Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Vitamix vs. Blendtec, I've Made a Decision...

I'm not sure how much healthier I really am on only my 4th day of green smoothie goodness, but psychologically, I feel awesome doing something that I truly believe is so good for me.

And so, today, I'm pondering the return of my $50 Walmart 800 watt blender and going for the new Vitamix 5200. I think I should go for it as I'm just not completely happy with my 800 watt blender.

I am choosing to go with the Vitamix after much reading and agonizing (these things are an arm and a leg!) and two things did it for me - 1) their 3-payment plan and 2) Kristen's Raw: I'm Cheating on My Blendtec...Oh My! post.

Today's green smoothie recipe:

1.5 cups water (might have been too much water)
2 full handfuls of spinach
1 leaf of kale
3 green apples
2 cups frozen grapes
1/3 banana (that's all I had, I need more bananas, I think this greatly improves smoothie texture)
1 lemon (just the juice)
1 tbsp agave nector

I loved the flavor of this smoothie but the texture could have been better. I was definitely "chewing" my smoothie a bit today.

I also had an Herbalife shake today and now I'm getting ready to head to Boot Camp with my friends from The Spot.

I hope everyone has had an opportunity to do something good for your health and nutrition today.

Love and Light,

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