Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Eating Seasonally

Both for health reasons and for "green" reasons, I would like to try to eat more fruits and vegetables that are in season. I'm not that savvy when it comes to crops and such but I ran across Fresh Tools for Eating Seasonally at The Green Life which gave me some tools to help.

I immediately downloaded the iPhone app and WOW. Very cool. I was able to select my region and get nice pics with descriptions of some great fruits and vegetables in season. My shopping is going to be helped by this.


  1. B, I'm going to get that app! You're going to laugh or maybe just smile a bit at my next post that I now have to post because you posted this!

  2. Gosh, it's very easy to feel completely left out when you don't have an iPhone and "apps"! I am still threatening to by a Jitterbug. Definitely no apps for that, though, except 24 hour nurse service. :)

  3. LOL, I'm sure you can do the same things we do, just on your computer. If you buy a Jitterbug, though, be prepared for us to rib you a little bit.

