Monday, June 8, 2009

Fridge make-over

In preparation for move to more raw foods and green smoothies, my fridge needed a bit of a make-over. In other words, I needed to go grocery shopping. I think one thing in my favor for this switch is that we're into the summer months and I love eating lighter (salads, fresh fruit) meals. I missed the farmer's market on Saturday so I went to the local fresh foods market and stocked up. All organic yummy goodness.

I'm starting slowly - I know that if I try to do too much at once my body and my mind will get very cranky. So step one is to just start eating salads and fresh fruit every day and to throw in an occasional green smoothie. Then, after a few weeks of that, more green smoothies! By the end of the summer, I should have transitioned enough that at least 50% of my diet is raw. That's my goal anyway.

1 comment:

  1. B, this is awesome! I love all the fresh fruit, I have been using more frozen than fresh at this time. I need to rope Mel into taking me to the Farmer's Market.

    I like your goal of 50% raw by end of summer. I'm with you on that!

