Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Why is Chinese food such a pain to make????

Well, I know why - it's all the prep. I wanted Chinese and felt guilty about getting it to-go, since we all know just how unhealthy that is! So i made my own...sesame chicken with:

  • carrots
  • onions
  • spinach
  • chicken cooked in flour and sesame seeds
  • sesame sauce
  • chicken broth
  • red paper flakes
  • served over rice

Yum! Except that I managed to fling sauce all over me as I went to shake the bottle and the lid was loose. I seem to do that alot. Well, I had sesame sauce all over my face, hair and kitchen. Yuck! That makes cooking Chinese difficult. :)


  1. Sound way yummier than a to-go dish!

  2. I can just see that happening to me, too.

    One thing I used to do when I was cooking a lot of chinese-style food was to do my prep for the week on Sunday. I'd cut up all my veggies, meat, etc. and have the in little plastic containers in the fridge so when the days to cook came, all I had to do was heat up the pan and pull out the food. I found that if I didn't do this, all the food I bought to cook chinese would just go to waste because I wouldn't have time to prep during the week.
