Sunday, June 13, 2010

Gonna revist low-carb!

Well, I've gotta do something to lost some weight. I've increased my exercise, but that's just not enough. I am already in trouble with my doc for cholesterol, so I know I am cutting back in that area. I am always trying to reduce sugar, but that one's tough. I did low-carb a while back and I am going to give that a shot again. I'll try to come up with some recipes and I'll post what I find/do here and tag it low-carb. Wish me luck!!! :)

Oh, and a friend in Germany had great luck quitting smoking with help from a homeopathic doctor. I don't need to worry about the smoking, but I am wondering if they can do anything about a sweet tooth! I'll see what I can find out.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you sista! Did you see the book I posted about? Lots of good questions and answers you might be interested in...
